Eiffel59 ha scritto: Comunque una funzione antivibrante il silicone ce l'ha. Non a caso ditte che immettono sul mercato telai già custom come Bridgestone o Vantage mettono, e non solo nel manico, lo stesso o una resina poliuretanica porosa.
Sicuramente ma mi ricordo di un articolo di Cross in cui diceva che comunque il beneficio era minimo confrontato con il peso della manona.
L'articolo è "Customising a tennis racket by adding weights" del 2001 e la parte interessata era questa:
"Additional experiments were undertaken to measure changes in the vibration amplitude of the
handle, for a fixed impact speed and impact location, when the 30 g mass was added at various locations on the racket frame. For this purpose, the racket was suspended by a length of string, and a piezo taped close to the butt end of handle was used to measure the acceleration waveform. A
reduction in the acceleration amplitude of up to 20% was observed at most locations, but this is insigni®cant when compared with a factor of three reduction observed when the handle was held by one hand. Consequently, extra mass in the handle or at any other point would be of little use as a vibration dampener, unless the added mass is used to stiffen the frame or has energy absorbing properties."