Da quello che ho capito Freqmess da come risultato la tensione "effettiva" , cioe' al netto delle perdite di tensione durante l'incordatura
[Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link]Q: Why are the tensions that Freqmess calculates so low, and not within the range of [20,30] kg ?
A: After you have finished your racket with let's say 26 kg, you don't have 26 kg of tension on the strings anymore. Due to factors described below, you will loose approx. 10 kg of your applied pull-tension during and after the stringing process. This is a fact, consult Cross, R., & Bower, R. (2001). Measurements of String Tension in a Tennis Racket. Sports. Eng, 4, 65-175 for more information (Link to reprint). Thus, the frequency-method Freqmess uses, can only measure the tension that is still left on your strings (aka real-tension) and not the formerly applied pull-tension (aka reference tension) of the stringing machine. But one can transform the real-tension measured by Freqmess, via adding the tension you lost during and after stringing. This lost tension or tension-offset is defined as difference between the applied pull-tension and the real-tension right after the stringing process. Now to get pull-tension values for your strings, which we're more used to, just add the tension-offset to the real-tension calculated by Freqmess. As an approximation for poly-strings you can also use a tension offset of 10 kg or 22,2 lbs.
percui il tizio dice che piu' o meno al risultato ottenuto bisognerebbe aggiungere una 10 di kg per avere il valore di incordatura
Q: How can I calculate mass-density µ of my favorite string xyz ?
A: When stringing the next time, just weight your prepared string-set (for example you get a weight of 22 g) and divide its weight by the length of the string-set (for example 12 m). You'll receive a mass-density µ=1.83 . [Strictly one also has to consider the extension of the string when pulled. Polys extend by about 4% and Nylons bs 9-15%. So µ should be somewhat lower.]
Sarebbe interessante avere un bel database della mass-density µ per le varie corde , visto che questo sembra essere il parametro "essenziale" per avere un valore piu' veritiero.
Questi sono i valori che ho trovato in internet :
ALPHA Flexel 16 1.33mm;1.325
ALPHA Gut2000 16 1.33mm;1.424
BABOLAT Attraction 16 1.30mm;1.406
BABOLAT Ballistic 17 1.25mm;1.67
BABOLAT Ballistic 16 1.30mm;1.76
GOSEN Polylon SP 17 1.24mm;1.545
GOSEN OG-Sheep Micro 17 1.22mm;1.278
GOSEN OG-Sheep Micro 16 1.29mm;1.44
GSG Super-Power Gut 16 1.32mm;1.60
HEAD Rip Control 17 1.2mm;1.21
KLIP Armour Pro Gut 16 1.3mm;1.597
PRINCE Lighting XX 17 1.25mm;1.29
PRINCE SynGut DuraFlex 17 1.22mm;1.279
TECHNIFIBRE NRG2 16 1.32mm;1.59
TECHNIFIBRE PolySpin 17 1.275mm;1.77
TECHNIFIBRE Spinfire 17 1.25mm;1.77
TECHNIFIBRE X-One 17 1.24mm;1.375
TECHNIFIBRE X-One 18 1.18mm;1.250
WILSON Enduro Pro 17 1.25mm;1.55
WILSON NXT 17 1.24mm;1.275
WILSON Sensation 17 1.25mm;1.39
WILSON Sensation 16 1.30mm;1.402
Poly or poly composite
Signum Pro Poly Plasma 17-1.23 mm: 1.65
Signum Pro Poly Plasma 18-1.18 mm: 1.52
Signum Pro Poly Megaforce 18-1.19 mm: 1.52
Babolat Pro Hurricane 17-1.25 mm: 1.69
Klip K-Boom 17-1.25 mm: 1.64
Synthetic gut, nylon or solid core with multi wrap
LaserFibre Synthetic Gut Classic 16-1.30 mm: 1.59
Signum Pro Ultra Power SF 16L-1.28 mm: 1.58
Prince Synthetic Gut w/Duraflex 16-1.30 mm: 1.51
Multi fiber
Signum Pro Fiber High Tec EXP 16-1.30 mm: 1.56
Tecnifibre X-One Biphase 17-1.24 mm:
Tecnifibre X-One Biphase 16-1.30 mm
Secondo me non dovrebbe poi sbagliare di molto (a parita' di colpo sulle corde ) o quanto meno si dovrebbe capire quanto hanno perso da inizio incordatura